How to install Node.js in Windows 11

How to install Node.js in Windows 11

Is Node. js programming labuage or framework?

Node.js is not a programming language nor framework. It's a runtime environment. Node. js is a open source, cross platform javascript runtime environment thats runs on the V8 engine (open source javascript engine by chromium project for Google chrome and chromium web browser) executes javascript outside the browser. Node.js is design to develop scalable network applications.

Install in windows

check whether Node.js is install on your system by entering following command in your command prompt.

node -v

Screenshot 2022-07-17 201720.png

if not yet install Node .js it shows

node is not recognize internal or external command.

go to the node js download website and download the latest version of Node. js.

Screenshot 2022-07-17 202352.png

click the green highligted Windows installer icon. It will download the latest version of Node. js or else you can download the version depending on your machine architecture.

Then go to the downloads on your computer and double click on the Node. js instraller.

it will show up the installer window and click next

Screenshot 2022-07-17 202829.png

then accept the user agreement and click next

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then choose the installation directory

Screenshot 2022-07-17 203107.png

then click all other steps to next and click install

Screenshot 2022-07-17 203308.png

when setup complete click finish. and close existing command prompt window (exsisting window doesn't show the new install) and enter the node version command

Screenshot 2022-07-17 203417.png

If you see the installed node version, you have successfully installed Node. js